OASIS Holy Week Service
OASIS Lunchtime Discussions
The near-term events for Oasis are:
25th March at 12.30pm March – zoom lunch with Governor of Edinburgh Castle
30th March at 12.30pm Holy Week service led by Edinburgh Chaplains
31st March Soul Space led by Alex Bewick
7th April Soul Space by Bridget Coulsfield
29th April zoom lunch with Guest Speaker at 12.30pm
5th May Soul Space
27th May zoom lunch with Russell Napier on the Library of Mistakes at 12.30pm
2nd June Soul Space by Martin Pearce
Referrals : People requesting chaplaincy support should contact Martin, who will put them in contact with a “listening ear”. Martin can be contacted at martin.j.pearce@blueyonder.co.uk
Surrounded by the pressures of business, people need an oasis of peace to survive. OASIS is the name we give to our ministry among the business community, offering a supportive Christian presence to people working locally.
OASIS is a non-profit organisation serving the business community and exploring connections between business and spirituality. The organisation is sponsored by the Parish Church of St Cuthbert in conjunction with The Church of St John the Evangelist, and St Andrew’s and St George’s West, who form the ecumenical grouping ‘Edinburgh City Centre Churches Together’.
OASIS also works in partnership with business matters in an organised and mutually supportive way. While each organisation maintains its own distinctive mission, purpose, ethos and approach, they work together to promote wellbeing in the workplace by holding jointly branded events.
St Cuthbert’s offer regular times of worship during the week, when a few minutes of peace and reflection in the beauty of St Cuthbert’s is provided, notably at the short 12pm-12:30pm service of reflection and Holy Communion, with the ministry of prayer for healing offered immediately afterwards (first Tuesday of the month).
The monthly soul space events offer a time of peace and reflection in the middle of the chaos of our lives. soul space is held on the first Wednesday of each month (September-June and Holy Week, excluding January) with the church open 12.30pm – 7pm and short lay-led refelctions at 1.00 and 6.00pm. More details of the themes and dates for the current session, can be found here. soul space also has a facebook page – – please check it out and like us!
Do you work in Edinburgh's city centre?
If you do, OASIS may be of interest to you. OASIS is a service to the business community, run by St Cuthbert’s and the other city centre churches. Spearheaded by St Cuthbert's on Lothian Road, the kirk below the castle, this project started in the early 90s as the brainchild of a minister and a leading accountant. OASIS comes to you in your world of work where you and other people invest so much time and energy.
So what do we do at OASIS? We offer a supportive presence to individuals of all faiths and none, to groups and to companies. We offer our professional services and make ourselves available as friends to anyone and everyone working in the area. Our mission is fivefold:
-First, to listen and respond promptly to your suggestions for activities or requests for support.
-Second, to foster a sense of community in the often hectic, pressured world that is the business and office environment.
-Third, to be of personal assistance to people of all faiths and none, by being there for anyone who would like to talk to one of us.
-Fourth, to encourage those in the area to understand and appreciate Christian values and to relate them to the workplace.
-Fifth, to provide opportunities for spiritual exploration, as in our monthly soul space .
One day we may be helping someone going through a personal crisis. The next day we may be organising a speaker on maintaining good relationships at work. And the next day we may be planning the hotly contested annual Inter-Office Quiz night.
Whatever the issue and whatever your situation, we will be there for you. And if we don't know the answer, we may be able to refer you to someone who does. Needless to say, you can count on us to care and to observe confidentiality.
In the meantime, until we have the pleasure of meeting you, if the going gets tough, do remember you can take time out in the quiet atmosphere of St Cuthbert's, St John's or St Andrew's & St George's West. These churches and the services of OASIS are at your disposal.
The OASIS team is led by the Reverend Peter Sutton - PSutton@churchofscotland.org.uk
The interim administrator is Alex Bewick - oasis@stcuthberts-edinburgh.uk - 0131 229 1142