Greyfriars - St Cuthbert's Union Update

Working Towards Union Newsletters


In January 2024, members of the working group representing the two churches started to produce monthly newsletters to provide information on some of the work toward union being done, upcoming events and other ways that you can raise questions, provide feedback and get involved too. Access the newsletters here:


March 2025 Newsletter

October 2024 Newsletter

July 2024 Newsletter

April 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 newsletter

January 2024 newsletter 


Parish Grouping Document


The joint working group of the two churches agreed the wording of a parish grouping document, which has been submitted to Presbytery for review. It provides a summary of some of the formal aspects of the two churches, and the areas that the two churches will start to think about how to co-ordinate, where appropriate, as we look forward to union. You can see the document here:


Basis of Parish Grouping


Update – new newsletter and ways to feedback 10 Dec 2023


At the working group meeting on 5 December, the focus was on output from the Kirk Session away day in November. The first part of that away day was a “getting to know” each other and it was reassuring to understand we have similarities in many aspects of what we do and how we do it. Moving forward, we will produce a monthly newsletter which will share things that have been achieved to date, what we are working on, and where we are on the journey toward union. The first edition will be shared in January, with the Church Magazine, at the Church Reception Desk and also available online. Please do take one, or enjoy reading this when you receive your magazine.


Meantime, a suggestions box has been placed on the congregation table in the foyer for your feedback, suggestions and concerns. Please do pop your name on the back of the slip so that we can respond directly back to you. And of course, Christine and Margaret Pollock warmly welcome anyone to get in touch if they would like to chat. Either leave a message with the church office on 0131 229 1142  for one of them to call you back, or email  or join us for coffee after a service.


We look forward to Christmas and to our joint service of 9 Lessons and Carols next Sunday, 17 December, at 7.00 pm in St Cuthbert’s. Come along to support the choir and enjoy the fellowship over mince pies and mulled wine afterwards. We will be planning more joint services and events in 2024, so do attend a service at Greyfriars Kirk sometime to get to know the folk there.


Update Following Kirk Session Away Day – 4 Nov 2023


Last Saturday, 4 Nov, 40 representatives from the two Kirk Sessions of Greyfriars Kirk and St Cuthbert’s met for a first joint event. This provided an opportunity to get to know each other, get to know each other’s churches, how the congregations have developed and their present context, and start to think about the work that lies ahead as we progress toward union. It was an encouraging, convivial event led by Place for Hope. Many similarities were discovered, e.g. enjoyment of musical liturgy, an inclusive welcome and reaching out to local communities, particularly those on the edge. Many concerns were shared too, including ensuring that the “best of both” churches contribute to the union, developing a sustainable financial approach for activities and working through coming changes with positivity, together.


The joint working group, with representatives of both congregations, will meet early December, after consideration of all the output from this event, to formulate proposals for taking things forward. This will involve creating opportunities for wider congregations, both members of the churches and others who regularly attend, representatives of ecumenical, community and other partnerships, and the valued staff teams to get involved and have their say too. More news will be shared as plans develop. As ever, please do get in touch if you would like to have a chat about any of this. Whether you’d like to share your own concerns, make suggestions about things to consider or just have a chat, Christine and Margaret Pollock will be very pleased to speak to you, drop them a call on the church office number 0131 229 1142.


Kirk Session Away Day & New Web Page


There will also be a first coming together of the Kirk Sessions of the two churches on Saturday 4 November 2023. This will provide an opportunity for the Sessions to start thinking about the present and future vision development and practical tasks that need to be undertaken together, in anticipation of the union.


St Cuthberts & Greyfriars – Joint Events in 2023


These events are to enable members of the congregations to get to know each other – sharing elements of worship, enjoying social events and learning about each other’s churches. If you have suggestions for other joint events and activities, please let Christine know:

Or contact the office on 0131 229 1142


24 Sep, 10:30am – at Greyfriars and St Cuthberts. During each church’s service this Sunday, we welcome elders from “the other church” to lead prayers and read scripture during the service, and share elements of the same liturgy during worship. Volunteers from the eldership to participate welcomed – please contact Gillian.


26 Oct, 7pm – Community Ceilidh at Greyfriars Charteris Centre, 138-14- The Pleasance. This is open to everyone, inc. congregations and local community. It’s a relaxed occasion, dancing encouraged but not obligatory! A Greyfriars & St Cuthberts table will allow folk to get to know each other over a glass of wine or cuppa at the start. 


8 Nov, 7pm – Oasis Quiz, St Cuthberts. St Cuthbert’s annual quiz is run for the local business community, as well as congregations and anyone who wants to join in. As well as a social occasion, it raises funds each year for Fresh Start. Greyfriars are invited to form some quiz teams (max 5 per team) and join in too!


Sun 17 Dec, 6-7pm – 9 Lessons and Carols at St Cuthberts. This traditional 9 Lessons & Carols Christmas service with carols & readings telling the Christmas story takes place each year, this year will involve readers and singers from both congregations. With mince pies and refreshments afterwards.