Our Beliefs & Mission
Our Christian faith is rooted in tradition, recognises our heritage, is strongly alive in the present, and looks with confidence to shaping the future.
We seek to worship God with reverence, dignity, diversity, and within our strong musical tradition. Prayer and listening to God are essential aspects of our understanding of worship. We are also open to today’s community opportunities to bring others to worship through the week and by meeting them in their places of work and rest.
We aspire to make St Cuthbert’s a community which is open, generous, diverse, welcoming to friend and stranger, hospitable, spiritually healing, refreshing, and caring.
We respond to the call of Christ to communicate and serve in faith. Caring for those in need, co-operating with the community of faith in the city, ecumenically and globally.
To live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the heart of our city, as God’s people.
To nurture hearts for God.
To offer a home to friend and stranger.
To make a real difference through our commitment to help the homeless and all with needs.
To use St Cuthbert’s as a HUB capable of maintaining our existing mission and being ideally placed to expand our presence in meaningful ways through each week and across the year.
We are strongly committed to developing the TOGETHER mission and all the future opportunities through the established and very worthwhile work of OASIS.
We will uphold our distinctive worship, theology, nurture and spirit through the week.
We seek to listen and offer comfort, healing and mentoring in our ministry.
The Parish Church of St Cuthbert is a congregation of the Church of Scotland and accepts the Kirk's creedal statement, approved by the General Assembly in 1992. The Church holds to the Westminster Confession of 1647, which supercedes but does not cancel out the Scots Confession of 1560.
Church of Scotland Statement
We believe in one God:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God is love.
We praise God the Father:
Who created the universe and keeps it in being.
He has made us his sons and daughters to share his joy,
Living together in justice and peace,
Caring for his world and for each other.
We proclaim Jesus Christ, God the Son:
Born of Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
He became one of us, sharing our life and our death. He made known God's compassion and mercy
Giving hope and declaring forgiveness of sin, offering healing and wholeness to all.
By his death on the cross and by his resurrection He has triumphed over evil.
Jesus is Lord of life and of all creation.
We trust God the Holy Spirit:
Who unites us to Christ and gives life to the Church;
Who brings us to repentance and assures us of forgiveness.
The Spirit guide us in our; understanding of the bible,
Renews us in the sacraments
And calls us to serve God in the world.
We rejoice in the gift of eternal life:
We have sure and certain hope of resurrection through Christ, and we look for his coming again to judge the world.
Then all things wilI be made new.
And creation will rejoice in worshiping the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Spirit,
one God, blessed for ever.