November 3rd 2021 - God as Refuge

God as Refuge
Further prayer and worship resources
St Cuthbert's Prayer
Open our eyes, Lord, to see your glory.
Open our ears, Lord, to hear your call.
Open our lips, Lord, to sing your praises.
Then guide us on our pilgrimage of faith,
That with the memory of Cuthbert in our minds,
And the spirit of Cuthbert in our hearts,
may we walk with Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life
and find our freedom in his service;
even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Collect of the Black Watch
O God, whose strength setteth fast the mountains, Lord of the hills to whom we lift our eyes: grant us grace that we, once chosen to watch the mountains of an earthly kingdom, may stand fast in the faith, and be strong, until we come to the heavenly kingdom of him who has bidden us watch and pray, thy Son, our Saviour and Lord
Collect for All Souls
Everlasting God, our maker and redeemer, grant us, with all the faithful departed, the sure benefits of your Son’s saving passion and glorious resurrection, that, in the last day, when you gather up all things in Christ, we may with them enjoy the fullness of your promises; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.